Creating an Inquiry-Rich Environment in the Classroom
Finding a moment with a student for an informal talk is where great learning can happen!
Students create enclosures for their zoo.
This image illustrates a great way to create an inquiry-rich environment in your classroom. This teacher is working on integrating her science topic of Shadows with the class's study of the Five Senses. Notice the use of students' pictures and science work. How would you create your own Science Word Wall?
An example of how placing images of buildings in the block area can inspire students to build. You can also display drawings of buildings that the students have done themselves.
An example of how images of real structures placed in the block area can inspire students to build.
An example of how to set up the building area in your classroom
Open Exploration of Water at Kenilworth Elementary School, Washington, DC
Classroom rocket created by students at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School, Washington, DC
A gallery of images to inspire you to create an inquiry-rich environment in your classroom.