Being a part of the National Air and Space Museum, Science in Pre-K predominantly explores physical science concepts as a way to introduce inquiry science learning to young children. But life science concepts are also rich with opportunities for exploration and discovery for young children as well. In the summer time especially, there are many living things that children can observe! So, we start off our Science Summer Toolbox with exploring the needs of living things.
Parent Involvement
My son turns 3 today and I have a 3 month old baby girl. It is amazing to see how far my son has come along in 3 short years when I look at how new everything is to my daughter. In that time he has already experienced so much of the world around him. Although there are tremendous developmental differences between toddlers and 4 year olds, children start out as curious explorers. It is not too early to gently encourage toddlers to begin thinking like little scientists.
As the school year is winding down, it may be a great time to have parents come to the classroom to see what their children have been exploring! There are all kinds of ways to get parents involved in what your children are learning about in science. A "workshop" is a great way to include parents and have a little fun too! Setting up hands-on tables with different inquiry science-based activities can give parents a chance to see what their children are doing and to learn some science concepts themselves.