Getting Ready: Exploring Water
Preparing Your Classroom Environment
Images of water — rain, puddles, lakes, rivers, oceans, shower, or bathtub
A camera to capture students exploring water
There are all kinds of materials that will assist students in their exploration. Be sure to introduce materials deliberately and only a few at a time so that students have ample time to explore the material. Then when they are ready, introduce new materials.
To begin Open Exploration, start with:
measuring cups
plastic squirt bottles
turkey basters
plastic cups or containers
As you begin to explore other areas of Water Exploration, consider the following materials:
Sink and Float — different objects that sink or float
Flow — funnels, tubes, plastic bottles with holes cut out of the bottom
Drops— small plastic eye droppers or other droppers, aluminum foil, wax paper, construction paper, or paper towel.
Other materials to keep on hand:
Smocks or water-repellent aprons can be helpful!
Extra towels for quick clean-up (Beach towels are great.)
A water table or containers for table-top water exploration.
Space available
A large water table is great to have in the classroom — sometimes sand tables can turn into water tables.
Fill bins with a small amount of water and place them on table tops
If the weather permits going outside, set up your containers outdoors!
Displays of student learning
Find a space to display photographs or drawings that students create of water exploration.
Students can create artwork that are representations of water, such as using strips of construction or tissue paper and glue.
Resources that help students wonder
Books about water
Food coloring to color water
Pictures of uses of water
Visiting experts — invite staff or family who work with water
About Water Exploration
Water is a very special science unit. There is a lot to learn during water exploration — and part of the learning process can make a mess! However, it is important for students to explore the water fully. Allow them space and time to get familiar with the basics of water splash and flow before moving to more complex explorations.
Give your students a chance to come up with their own rules for keeping everyone safe during water exploration. Some rules to keep in mind may include:
We only keep water in the water table.
We explore water with our tools.
We never splash or drink the water.
Water toys and tools stay at the water table.
With defined rules, everyone will understand. It may take a little time, and do expect some students to splash water or pour it on the floor, but by keeping them engaged they will eventually become familiar with the materials and explore with them appropriately.